Harris County Aquatics Program

The Office of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has a long and proud tradition of excellence in aquatics education that offers a variety of services to the entire family.

Youth Aquatics Program

One of the best things that we can give families is the peace of mind that their children know how to be safe in the water.

The Harris County Aquatics Program (HCAP), created in 1992, teaches discipline, leadership, and teamwork skills to youth through the sport of swimming. HCAP emphasizes teaching water safety skills so that children can enjoy the water while being aware of the risks.

Our Learn-To-Swim Program, which operates year-round at locations in Harris County, is a progressive course offered to children ages 6 to 18. The program, taught by experienced instructors, aims to introduce and then solidify the performance of basic swim strokes and water safety tools in a supportive environment.

Our Learn-to-Swim classes are taught in four-week sessions where the students attend class twice a week. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is important to apply early! Once an application is properly submitted, families can enroll in classes and will receive updates when new classes are available. There are three swim seasons each year: SPRING (February–April), SUMMER (June–July), and FALL (September–December).

Adult Aquatics Program

Adult Aquatics was introduced to provide participants with fun activities related to the lifetime sport of swimming.

For adults and seniors who want to improve their health in a social and welcoming environment, our Adult Aquatics Program offers challenging workouts for people of all abilities, including lap swimming, water aerobics, and Aqua-Zumba classes. Whether you are an experienced swimmer or a newcomer, our programs can help everyone achieve their fitness goals. Water-based workouts can build strength while being easier on joints, reducing risks for injury. 

Program Locations

Locations for Learn-to-Swim classes:

Harris County Aquatics Center
2731 El Camino St
Houston, TX 77054

Julia C. Hester House
2020 Solo St.
Houston, TX 77020

Our Partners

Thank you to our partners!

Step Into Swim       USA Swimming Foundation Grant Recipient

Program Registration

The Office of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has created a COMMUNITY PORTAL to better serve residents. Register online to sign up for our programs.
