Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's Statement on District Attorney Ogg handing over the Elevate Strategies Case to Attorney General Paxton’s Office

25 Apr, 24

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis issued this statement on District Attorney Kim Ogg handing over the Elevate Strategies case to the Attorney General’s Office. 

“Our outgoing District Attorney’s decision to hand over the Elevate Strategies case to Ken Paxton is a new low for Kim Ogg. The future of three young public servants, who were already derailed by this political witch hunt, has now been handed over to a hyper-partisan office with an axe to grind. Giving Ken Paxton the opportunity to undermine Harris County, yet again, is just another feather in Ken Paxton’s cap and red meat for his MAGA base. 

The voters overwhelmingly rejected this sort of behavior by Kim Ogg in March by historic margins, and this is the culmination of a career that will be remembered more for vindictive political investigations than advancing public safety.

Ultimately, I’m just saddened for these young people who have become collateral damage in this political gamesmanship. My heart goes out to them.”